Historical Fiction


Go Creative!

Blog and Podcast on Pause Until January: Big Changes Coming in 2025!

A quick note to let you know that the blog and The Go Creative! Podcast are taking a break while we work on a website upgrade.

Our aim is to make this space a more welcoming hub. A place where you can more easily buy and browse books, enjoy the blog and podcast, and provide exclusive reader-member exclusives.

I'll be launching A Crowd of Stars on my return: a collection of WB Yeats’s love poems to Maud Gonne with her commentary as “the muse”.

And of course in April next, A Life Before, the first book in my Gonne-Yeats series will release. Yes, after seven years of planning and writing in the background, it's about to come out into the world

Thank you for your patience as we work behind the scenes to create the website you deserve, dear reader.

I look forward to welcoming you back in December to an experience that’s smarter, easier to explore, and in every way more enjoyable.